Mumbai 07 August 2016: If you want to have healthy glowing skin, it is very important that you take care of your skin. Different skin types have different needs and face different problems. It is important to identify your skin tone and take necessary action against the skin problems you're facing.Our busy daily schedules makes us forget about our skin. This gives a chance to chemical based cosmetics, stress and improper eating habits to harm your skin’s natural glow. To get back your natural glow, home remedies is the way to go. Natural home remedies are very effective and can give you a healthy, fair, glowing and beautiful face.
Beauty tips for oily skin :
Oily skin is the most difficult skin time to take care of. Some of the common problems include coarse skin with big visible pores, face appears dull due to the overproduction of oil in the skin. This makes the skin look and feel greasy. People with oily skin are more prone to acne and blemishes, blackheads, whiteheads and dark spots.
- If you have oily skin you need to maintain a healthy diet which includes a lots of raw vegetables and fruits.
- You should avoid oily and junk food.
- Always keep your face clean. This helps in keeping away excessive oiliness and acne.
Beauty tips for dry skin :
People having dry skin have their own problem which is different than people with oily skin. Dry skin gets very uncomfortable during winters when the temperature drops. When not taken good care of during winters dry skin tends to become very sensitive and painful. Dry skin normally appears to have fine composition with bluntness, yet when we look closely there might be some flaky or granulated segments especially around the sides of the mouth, eyes, and temple. If dry skin is neglected and not taken proper care of it will shape wrinkles and turn out to be more fragile with age.
- Don’t use hot water while taking a shower.
- Always use moisturizers after shower.
- Use a soft towel to pat dry your skin after a shower.
Beauty tips for combination skin:
Combination skin usually has a mix of both oily skin and dry skin. Characteristics of conbination skin type is having large pores, a greasy shine, and acne breakouts especially on the forehead, nose, chin area and itching, flakiness, redness on the cheeks.
- Always Keep your face clean to prevent oily zones from getting any infection.
- Search for the perfect moisturizer that suits you.
- Use the appropriate amount of moisturizer depending on your skins reaction to the climatic conditions.
- Too much moisturization will cause problems with the oily zone and less of it will cause problems with the dry zone.
Beauty tips for cleansing :
Our skin gets exposed to a lot of dust and dirt which results in skin damage and dryness. When we cleanse our skin it ensures that the radiance of the skin is maintained. Only when you cleanse properly will the moisturizer and facial masks will work its magic. Cleansing is the most basic step in skin care.
Beauty tips for exfoliating :
Exfoliating is a process of getting rid of dead skin. You should exfoliate regularly to remove all dead skin cells so that you have new fresh skin. Do it more often if required.
Beauty tips for Toning :
Toning is an important part of the cleansing process. A decent toner will expel all the rest of the bits of oil, dirt and dead skin left behind by the cleanser. All the more essentially, toner will mitigate, support and hydrate the skin while reestablishing its pH balance.
Beauty tips for Moisturizing :
Regular moisturizing is necessary for all skin types, be it dry skin or oily skin. Moisturizing plays an important role in skin care by keeping the skin hydrated and preventing it from redness or flaking. It also helps you prevent the early signs of aging. If you have oily skin, it doesn’t mean that your skin gets enough nourishment from the oil produced. Pick a good gel based moisturizer and use it regularly or you can use any of the natural moisturizer like coconut oil etc.
Vitamin C beauty benefits :
Vitamin C is the most important ingredient used in skin care treatments. Vitamin C protects our skin from free radicals that develop due to excess exposure to the sun. Having Vitamin C in the form of juices like orange juice/ sweet lime juice or even a cup of water in the morning with 1tspn of squeezed lime or lemon and half a teaspoon of honey is great to start your day with.
Vitamin A beauty benefits :
Vitamin A helps in rejuvenating skin cells by normalizing skin function. Vitamin A is used to cure acne and slower the aging process of skin. Vitamin A thickens and stimulates the dermis, where your collagen, elastin and blood vessels are hence it reduces wrinkles and increases blood flow to the surface of the skin. Foods rich in Vitamin A should be an important part of your diet.
Protect from sun :
Exposure to sun causes most of the wrinkles and age spots on our faces. Sun exposure causes most of the skin changes that we think of as a normal part of aging. Over time, the sun's ultraviolet (UV) light damages the fibers in the skin called elastin. Exposure to the sun should be lessened. Wear a cap or hat or take an umbrella always when you step out in to the sun. Use a UVA and UVB sunscreen, at least 20minutes before stepping out into the sun to pritect your skin.
Beauty tips for body scrub :
Exfoliation is an important part of your skincare practice, yet often the most hyped over-the-counter scrubs are costly and full of harmful chemicals. Scrub your whole body with some natural scrubber like a mixture of sugar and honey. Grind sugar and massage till it dissolves. Dissolved sugar works like a stop watch to show that you’ve massaged and scrubbed your skin till it’s required to. Everyday exfoliation doesn’t need to be vigorous or for lengthy time period. 3-5 minutes is good enough.
Exercise as a beauty tip :
Exercise plays an important role in our life. Exercise increases blood circulation in our body when there is proper blood circulation, we get a healthy glowing skin. When we exercise oxygen and nutrients are carried by the blood to all the cells, including your skin cells, and makes them healthy. Exercise cleanses your body from within as it helps to remove cellular debris and free radicals from the body and cleanses it from within. Exercise distresses our body and helps keep skin problems at bay. Make sure you exercise at least 30 minutes everyday.
Drink lots of water :
Our body is made up of 70% water, and skin being the biggest organ uses the most of it. If you do not drink enough water your body gets dehydrated. When your body is dehydrated your skin starts to look dull and drab, feel dry and is more prone to show the signs of aging.
Microdermabrasion peel beauty tips :
If you feel the skin care regime you have been following is not enough and extensive care is needed, go in for a once a month microdermabrasion peel from a reputed clinic. After 4-6 sittings, follow up at home with regular care. Do not bleach while taking peels. So avoid that.
Homemade peel of masks :
A facial peel steps up the looks of the skin by exfoliating and getting rid of dry skin, wrinkles, fine lines, pimple scars and, even-toning the facial skin. If you do not like going for chemical peels then you can try using some of the easy homemade peel of masks. Homemade facial peels can be made by using fruits or vegetables, besan or protein based dry fruits, water or milk and many other natural ingredients that are easily available in your kitchen.
Beauty tips for Pimple or Acne :
Inflammation caused by acne blemishes can make the pigment producing cells of the skin to over produce melanin. Acne frequently leave behind small dark spots on the skin known as post inflammatory hyper pigmentation. These dark spots fade eventually on their own, several measures can be taken to help speed up this process. Using natural remedies like cinnamon and honey mask. honey and cinnamon make a (literally) killer combo when it comes to acne. Cinnamon has antimicrobial properties, so it can help stop bacteria from getting out of hand. If it does, the honey is a natural anti-biotic, ready and waiting to wipe the acne out.
You will need…
-2 tablespoons of honey
-1 teaspoon of cinnamon
- paper towels
-2 tablespoons of honey
-1 teaspoon of cinnamon
- paper towels
- Wash your face clean with water and pat it dry.
- Mix 2 tablespoons of honey and 1 teaspoon of cinnamon together until they are thoroughly blended. Apply the mask to your face and leave on for 10-15 minutes.
- Rinse off completely, and pat your face dry. This is a sticky mixture, so make sure you have some paper towels on hand.
Beauty Tips for Dark Circles :
Lack of sleep is the main reason for having dark circles. But sometimes, even other factors like dehydration and allergies can cause dark circles. This is a common issue as one grows older. But it is not uncommon to find this even in younger people. As they are not getting enough rest, or they have a bad diet and have unhealthy Habits like smoking and drinking too much to make matters worse.
Beauty Tips for Wrinkles/Anti-Aging :
Our skin loses its elasticity as we grow older leaving us with those stupid wrinkles that make us look old. So how do we keep our skin young and healthy. Its quite simple to do by following the below beauty tips for younger skin.
- Follow a Good diet.
- Exercise to Keep yourself fit.
- Avoid bad habits like smoking for they definitely contribute to dull, dry and aged skin.
Seasonal tips for oily skin :
If you have oily skin and you feel your skin doesn't need moisturising, then your wrong. Just because the skin produces excess oils doesn’t mean that it is receiving enough nourishment. Always make sure you moisturize your skin as required, especially in winters as the skin tends to dry easily. Use a gel based moisturizer for better results.
During summer oily skin acts like a magnet to dirt and dust and makes it easier for infection to occur. Make sure to cleanse and tone your skin regularly to remove the dirt and dust from the skin.
Seasonal tips for dry skin :
For dry skin the most important thing is to moisturise your skin. Your skin is dry naturally and the dryness in the air makes matter worse. So make sure that at all times of the year you have a bottle of favorite moisturizer at hand and keep your skin hydrated.
Seasonal tips for combination skin :
People with combination skin type have problems of dry skin as well as oily skin. So it's very important to always keep your skin cleansed and moisturised.
Beauty tips for Homemade facial masks :
Homemade face masks are the best way to bring back life and glow to your skin.
Simple Avocado Mask:

- Take a ripe avocado, scoop and mash the meat
- Combine the meat of avocado with one tablespoon each of honey and plain yogurt
- Apply this mix Smoothly on your face, avoiding the eyes
Basic Honey Mask:

- Combine one tablespoon each of honey and olive oil
- Add two teaspoons lemon juice
- Beat in one egg yolk
- Apply it on face and allow to dry before rinsing
Beauty tips for Homemade scrubs :
Homemade scrubs are a recipe for healthy, glowing skin. Exfoliation should be an integral part of skincare regime. These homemade scrubs do an excellent job of exfoliating the dead and dry skin.
Papaya Face Scrub:

- Exfoliating is vitally important for rejuvenation of skin. The following face tip will leave skin feeling soft and renewed.
- Mash the meat of a ripe papaya with a fork.
- Add 2-3 teaspoons ground oatmeal and one teaspoon sugar.
- Mix into a thick paste.
- Massage into skin for several minutes, allow it to dry.
Beauty tips for Homemade Moisturizers :
Moisturizing your skin daily is essential, and natural homemade moisturisers made with ingredients which are easy to find in your kitchen are a great way to moisturising your skin. Many homemade moisturizers are made from perishable food items, and mixtures should be refrigerated and used within three days to a week.
Cocoa Butter and Egg Moisturizer for Skin:

- In a pan Melt two tablespoons cocoa butter over low heat
- Separate one egg yolk and add to the cocoa butter
- Add two tablespoons lemon juice
- Apply this mix on your face and rinse after 15 minutes.
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