India 25 September 2016: We all know the health benefits of of guava (Amrood) fruit. Now we will tell you the uses and importance of Guava Leaves (Amrood ke Patte). Guava (Amrood) fruit we should know that even guava leaves (Amrood ke Patte) in Hindi have many medicinal uses properties and offer a variety of health benefits. We all love to have a guavas sprinkled with chaat masala and also served or used it in luscious jams, jellies and murabbas. Guava has unique flavor and fragrance Guava is one and the best super fruits due to the numerous health benefits it offers. Guavas are rich in manganese which helps our body to absorb other key nutrients from the food that we eat. Guavas also contain folate folate is a mineral which helps promote fertility. Guavas also has potassium which helps to regulate blood pressure. Fresh guava leave are known as a natural pain reliever Being packed with antioxidants, antibacterial and anti-inflammatory agents and beneficial tannins that have a lots of health benefits which treat us from stomach troubles to chronic diseases like cancer.
Guava is Heart Healthy, Weight Loss Friendly and lots of more.
Guava is round or oval in shape with light green or light yellow skin and the colour of its flesh may be from white or pink to dark red and has edible seeds. The chemicals contained in Guava Leaves (Amrood ke Patte) leaves such as polyphenols, carotenoids, flavonoids and tannins is very helpful/useful in curing or treating various types of diseases. Because of its medicinal properties guava leaf supplements in todays world are available in the form of capsules and guava leaf tea. Since a lots of side effects from the use of medicines and drugs herbal plants are nowadays used for the treatment of different types of diseases and guava leaf is one of them. Guava leaves releases beneficial substances like vitamin C and flavonoids like quercetin so Guava Leaves (Amrood ke
Patte) can be prepared to make a tea.
Uses Of Guava Leaves (Amrood ke Patte)

Guava Leaves Benefits For Health

Guava leaves (Amrood ke Patte) are known as a herbal treatment for several diseases because of its medicinal properties. The health benefits of guava leaves are listed below.
Guava leaves is best for Weight Loss

oranges, grapes etc. Guava leaves helps in preventing the complex starches from being converted into sugars the liver breaks down the carbs to be used by the body but guava leaves prevent the transition of carbohydrates to usable compounds.
Guava leaves is useful and beneficial for Diabetics patient.

- You must Dry the tender guava leaves and crush them and make it as a powder.
- Add 1 tablespoon of crushed guava leaves to a cup of hot water.
- Cover and allow it to steep for 5 minutes, then strain it.
Guava leaves is very useful for lowering Cholesterol

fat and 0.2 grams of unsaturated fat. Because of its low levels of this fat it is best and wonder fruit which helps to reduce cholesterol.
Guava leaves is a best treatment of Diarrhea and Dysentery

Guava leaves Aids you in Digestion

Guava leaves is treat Bronchitis

Guava leaf tea is best and very helpful in treating bronchitis by opening up the lungs, loosening mucus and soothing coughs. Guava leaves is also used for the treatment of Toothaches, Sore Throats and Gum Disease Guava leaves has anti-inflammatory qualities fresh guava leaves when used for gargling can give you relief from tooth ache,from healing gum, mouth sores and also helps in treating sore throats. The antibacterial properties present in Guava Leaves (Amrood ke Patte) protect the teeth and gums since it helps in treating teeth health guava leaves are used as an ingredient in toothpastes and also mouth fresheners. For brushing your teeth and gums we can use Guava leaves as a natural paste at home. To maintain your oral health you just have to chew 1 or 2 tender guava leaves daily.
Guava leaf is very beneficial or useful for Dengue Fever

Guava leaf are a natural remedy for treating dengue fever. Guava leaf extract increases the number of platelets of the blood and is not harmful at all. For dengue fever you must you must boil 8 or 9 pieces of guava leaves in 5 cups of water until 3 cups of water is left. After you strain you must let it cool a
cup of this mixture should be given to the patient thrice a day suffering from dengue fever.
Guava leaves can be used for Prostate Cancer

Guava leaves has a high lycopene content which is very important to fight cancers like breast, prostate, and oral. Guava leaves has a cancer fighting properties help stop or reduce the production of androgen which is the male hormone which is needed for the growth of cells in some types of prostate cancer. Guava fruit is good and best for preventing cancer because of its nutritional content. Guava are rich in vitamin C, A, antioxidants, and lycopene Which helps in treating prostate and other types of cancers.
Guava leaves for gastric Cancer

Guava leaf extract work excellently to treat patients with gastric that is stomach cancer. Guava leaf is loaded with compounds like lycopene, quercetin, and vitamin C which have anticancer and antitumor properties and work as antioxidants to fight free radical damage in the body. Studies shows that when we take guava leaf extract its leads to apoptosis or gastric cancer cells to attack themselves. Guava essential oil has anticancer properties which help in fighting cancerous cells in the body. A study shows that guava essential oils are rich in nerolidiol, caryophyllene, beta bisabolene, p-selinene, aromandreno, tannins, beta sitosterol, leucocyanidins, and triterpenoids which slow the cancer
activity in patients with stomach cancer.
Guava leaves can also reduce Allergies

Guava leaves for Sperm Production

male sexuality. Guava leaves are best for both the production and quality of sperm.
Guava leaves are useful for the treatment of Wounds and Infections

Guava Leaves Benefits For Skin

Specially skincare guava leaves work great in improving your skin and curing various type of skin diseases / disorders. Here are the benefits of guava leaves for skin as Guava Leaves Keeps Skin Healthy
Guava Leave work great for the treatment of Acne and Black spots

Are you tense or worried about wrinkles, acne, blemishes, allergies or dark spots on your face guava leaves are best and natural remedy for you. You dont have to buy any chemical treatments to get rid of them. Guava Leave can help to get rid of acne. Guava leaves are rich in antibacterial properties that are best to fight from bacteria that cause acne. Acne and black spots just dont adversely affect the appearance of your skin but they are also quite annoying. Guava Leave has antiseptic properties that can kill acne causing bacteria. Just mash some guava leaves and apply it on the acne and dark spots. Rinse with water after sometime. Follow this routine daily until the skin is clear.
Guava Leave remove Blackheads

Guava Leave are best to treat blackheads. To treat blackheads you just have to blend the guava leaves with little water and use it as a scrub on your nose to remove blackheads.
Guava Leave act as an Anti-ageing Benefits

Guava leaves contain antioxidants which destroy the free radicals that damage your skin and thus protect your skin from ageing as well as improve the skin tone and texture. A mixture of mature guava leaves can be applied on the skin for tightening it.
Guava leaves Relieves Itching

If you dont treat Skin itching it can cause problems. Guava leaves are best to cure and to get rid of itchiness as they contain allergy blocking compounds.
Guava Leaves also benefit your hair.

Boiled guava leaves is specially known to control hair fall so you must massage your scalp regularly with it. With this the roots of your hair are strengthened once the root of your hair are strengthened it will lead to less hair fall. It not only strengthens the roots by applying this it will give you thick and shiny hair. Guava leaves are best way to treat hair fall naturally.
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